Raúl García, CEO of Montesano Extremadura, is the new president of IBERAICE, the organisation that represents the Iberian pig industry.

In the photo, Raúl García, CEO of Montesano Extremadura and new president of IBERAICE (right) together with the vice president, Carlos Díaz.

The new president will address the major challenges of the Iberian pig over the next four years: the complex market situation, the drive for internationalisation, the future IGP of the Iberian pig to avoid imitations. Following the recent elections of IBERAICE, the new Board of Directors has been formed and, thus, the presidency has fallen to Raúl García, CEO of Montesano Extremadura . The vice-presidency, for his part, corresponds to Carlos Díaz, CEO of Chacinerías Díaz.

Both have taken up their positions for the next four years and have shown their commitment to act jointly and with the necessary involvement to face a new mandate that efficiently addresses the important challenges that the sector faces in the coming years.

At the first constitutive session of the new board of directors, the new president and vice president were appointed, as well as the representatives of IBERAICE in ASICI.

Some of the main problems that Raúl García will have to face include the complex market situation, the need to promote internationalisation, improve the functioning of the Interprofessional, simplify ÍTACA (Traceability System for Iberian Products) and, above all, move forward with the important project that is the future Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) for Iberian pork , the essential purpose of which is to link Iberian production to the peninsula, so that it is protected in the European Union and third countries, avoiding imitations outside our borders.
The importance of being a well-cohesive team The Board of Directors chaired by Raúl García agreed on the need to reach consensus on all issues affecting the Iberian pork industry, acting with a single voice and with total unity and commitment in the forums in which IBERAICE is present, such as ASICI.

In this context, it is worth noting that, together with the election of president and vice-president, representatives of the industrial sector have also been appointed to the Interprofessional Association of Iberian Pork, which will also proceed to renew their positions next April. By statutory mandate, the presidency and the position of treasurer will correspond to the industrial sector, while the vice-presidency of ASICI and the position of secretary will be held by representatives of the livestock sector.
About Montesano Extremadura Montesano Extremadura, a cosmopolitan and dynamic company in the world of Iberian ham, has achieved high-quality status in just a few years, earning such notable recognition as the Superior Taste Awards in 2016 and 2017 , awarded each year by the International Taste & Quality Institute in Brussels, and endorsed by blind tastings by more than 140 European haute cuisine professionals in search of the best flavour… This is how they define it: “High-quality acorn-fed ham… Beautiful marbling… Delicate and complex aroma… Smooth and refined texture… Good balance and long flavour…”

Furthermore, the 20,000 m2 of the Montesano complex in Extremadura are also equipped with the most cutting-edge technology on the market for the production, refrigeration and refining of more than 400,000 pieces of high-quality 100% acorn-fed Iberian hams, loins, morcones, lomitos and sausages , and their subsequent distribution and sale by piece or in the always juicy and fresh 'sliced ​​Iberian' , with special emphasis on hams cut with a knife to maintain the tradition, texture and flavour without damage and to make it very easy for professionals in the Horeca channel and gourmets.
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