Don't know which Iberian ham to buy? Tips from Montesano

If you are a lover of Spanish gastronomy, you will already know that Iberian ham is one of the star products of our cuisine. But with so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know which Iberian ham to buy. In this post, the Ibéricos Montesano team gives you some tips to help you choose the best Iberian ham for your needs and budget.

The first thing you need to know is how to distinguish the quality of Iberian ham, since, on many occasions, it can lead to confusion and it must be emphasized that the quality of Iberian ham is directly related to the pig's diet, its breeding and its racial percentage:

  • Jamón ibérico de bellota: This is the ham of the highest quality and flavour. The pigs are raised free in the pasture and are fed mainly on acorns and herbs. The acorn-fed ham has a soft and creamy texture and an intense and complex flavour.
  • Iberian ham from field-fed pigs: The pigs are raised free-range in the pasture, but their diet includes feed and natural pastures. Field-fed ham is of good quality, with a milder flavour than acorn-fed ham.
  • Iberian ham from cebo: The pigs are raised on farms and fed with feed. This ham has a different quality and flavour than the previous ones.

How to distinguish Iberian ham labels.

The standard is very important and strict, as the ham must be labelled correctly to know its origin and quality. What should the label indicate?

  • Breed of pig (Iberian or crossbred)
  • Pig feeding (acorns, field feed, feed)
  • Producer registration number
  • Certifying entity.

It is also important to pay attention to the curing process of the ham, which can take from 4 to 5 years. For example, curing a 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham DO Extremadura from Ibéricos Montesano requires at least 5 years, and also depends on factors such as the category or size of the ham. Curing is an essential process to obtain a quality ham, with a unique flavour and aroma.

At Ibéricos Montesano , we advise you to choose the best Iberian ham by looking at the quality, the label of the ham, the curing process and choosing the one that best suits your budget.

And if you need help, we have a completely free advisory service available so that our master ham makers can advise you.

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