What is ham cove?
You could give three different answers to this question, and all three would be correct. The fact is that explaining what the cala del jamón is is a task that has its tricks and that, in addition, is very interesting for those who participate in the richness of the Iberian ham universe, from the producers and the stores that sell it to the consumers, true tasters of the product. Now we are going to detail what the cala del jamón is called. And we anticipate that you will love to know it because, later, you will be able to speak with complete authority about an essential aspect of this nutritional treasure that is Iberian ham.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingThe cove, the cove and the cove of ham
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It may seem like a repetitive title, but rest assured that, on the contrary, it is totally revealing. In addition, you will see that it is quite easy to understand each meaning of this word so common in the world of Iberian ham. First of all, let's talk about what ham cala is as an action .
/wp:paragraph wp:headingWhen, how and why the ham cove is carried out
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The sizing is the procedure used to determine the quality level of an Iberian ham or shoulder. It is carried out after the long process involved in its preparation, just before labelling and preparing the ham for sale. The fact is that it is impossible to taste each ham to assess its characteristics, so how can you check that a ham is of the best quality without being able to do a tasting or even open it in any section? The truth is that the master ham maker uses his developed sense of smell to evaluate each piece individually. A master ham maker or master sizing specialist has extensive experience in handling pieces, and knows what he is doing.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThe master makes three precise incisions in each piece of Iberian ham, and two in the pieces of Iberian shoulder. Their depth varies between 1.5 and 3 centimetres, as a maximum, since in this way only the quantity of fibres essential for adequate quality control is broken. To avoid damage to the piece of Iberian ham, the incision is made at the following points:
/wp:paragraph wp:list- At the joint of the femur with the hip
- In the femoral vein, at the level of the stifle
- In the knee or joint that joins the femur with the tibia and fibula
If the master hamcutter's sense of smell gives the go-ahead, the ham is fit for consumption. During his work, the master immediately closes each incision to avoid problems such as oxidation of the hock. The aroma perceived by the professional must be pleasant and intense. At the same time, he assesses the piece's resistance to incision and also its colour.
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The Iberian shoulder, on the other hand, is cut in the middle of the piece, on its inner side, and just in the area where the skin of the leg reaches. The process is the same, but only two cuts are necessary. incisions to check the quality of this Iberian piece.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphVery well, and what tool is used to make this ham cove? This question leads us to the second meaning of "ham cove", that is, its definition as an instrument .
/wp:paragraph wp:headingCharacteristics of the ham cove
/wp:heading wp:paragraphIn fact, the tool used to perform the ham test is also called a cala. It is an instrument as simple as it is special, a kind of needle about twelve centimetres long that is normally made from a cow or horse bone. Its essential characteristic is that it must be completely odourless, so that it can fulfil its function of evaluating the Iberian ham through its aroma.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAs a curiosity, we tell you that the ham cleaver is made by hand . First, the bone is cleaned and bleached in a careful process. Then, it is carved until it has its typical sharp and pointed shape on one side, while on the other a kind of handle is carved that allows it to be held comfortably. This instrument has remained practically the same throughout the history of the production of Iberian ham, although you can find cleavers that are completely made of bone, others have a wooden handle and, the most economical ones, may have a plastic handle.
/wp:paragraph wp:headingIs it good for a ham to have a cala?
/wp:heading wp:paragraphWell, no, it is not good at all. It is essential to make the ham with a good quality cala, but when the master ham maker notices that a ham "has cala", the piece must be thrown away because it is not suitable for consumption. In this case, we are talking about the ham's cala being also a state of the piece that makes it defective, as it indicates that contamination has occurred and, therefore, microbial development is observed in one or more of its key points.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWhat caused this contamination? It is not possible to know for sure. It could have occurred in the slaughterhouse, during the cutting of the animal, or due to incorrect salting. It is normally caused in the early stages of the production of Iberian ham, when the meat is most sensitive to changes or incidents.
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To avoid problems with the curing process, each step in the preparation of the pieces must be carried out carefully. It is essential to properly clean the utensils, ensure that the pieces are completely drained of blood in the slaughterhouse, maintain the cold chain, especially in the early stages of curing, and also ensure optimal salting.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphYou now have expert knowledge about the ham's cala, because you understand all its aspects and because you know that you will never taste a ham with cala, especially when you make sure you buy a high-quality Iberian ham. By now, we know because it happens to us too, your mouth is watering at the thought of that marbled, shiny, aromatic and delicious slice of Iberian ham that you already deserve. So, go for it!