
The differences between ham and shoulder


The pleasure of tasting a good ham or a good shoulder is indescribable, but what is the difference between the two? Which is better? If you are hesitating between choosing a ham or a shoulder, you should know that both products have certain differences in various aspects. We invite you to discover everything about Iberian ham and shoulder so that you can find out which one is ideal for you.

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It is clear that any time is a good time to enjoy ham or shoulder. Despite being two types of high-quality products that are well-known in our gastronomy, there are doubts about which is better. To clear up any doubts, it is best to know their main characteristics and differences in order to make an informed choice that is appropriate to our preferences.

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What are the main differences between ham and shoulder?

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Among the most notable differences between Iberian ham and shoulder are the following:

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  • Origin: The first difference lies in the origin of both food products. While ham is extracted from the hind limbs of the animal, the shoulder corresponds to the front limbs.
  • Dimensions: The ham is larger in size, with a weight that usually ranges between 7 and 9 kg; on the other hand, the shoulder is usually between 4 and 6 kg respectively. However, it should be noted that in the case of 100% Iberian hams, they can be smaller.
  • Curing: Iberian ham is usually cured for around 24 to 36 months, depending exclusively on the variety. While Iberian shoulder ham usually needs between 16 and 24 months, everything will depend on the quality of the product.
  • Taste: As for the taste, Iberian ham is characterised by being more mellow due to the abundant marbling and the greater number of varieties. On the other hand, if you prefer a more uniform flavour with extra intensity, the correct option is to choose the shoulder.
  • Price: In terms of costs, the shoulder will always be cheaper than the ham, because its small size will directly impact the final price. Another factor that impacts the price is its profitability and the curing process, which is less expensive for the shoulder than for the ham.
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Ultimately, the final choice of consuming ham or shoulder will depend exclusively on the personal preferences of the end consumer.

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What issues should be considered when choosing a ham or shoulder?

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We already know the differences between the two due to the characteristics mentioned above. Now, whatever your choice between ham or shoulder, we leave you below with the questions you should consider in order to choose the best ham or shoulder.
Among the most notable features, the following can be noted:

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  • Number of diners : If there are not many people in a household who consume the product, the ideal option is to buy a shoulder. This is smaller, so it will be a good decision. On the other hand, if it is a large family, they should buy a ham.
  • Price: Without a doubt, the economic issue is fundamental when purchasing any of the products. In this sense, it should be considered that the shoulder will always be cheaper than the ham.
  • Cutting: If the diner wants to cut the product at home, but is not an expert in the sector, the best option is to buy ham. It is more tender and cutting it will be easier and faster.
  • Taste: If you prefer a more creamy flavour and texture, you should buy the ham. On the other hand, for those who prefer a more intense and classic flavour, you should opt for a shoulder.
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All the issues mentioned above are just some of those that must be considered when making a choice between purchasing a ham or a shoulder.

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Try our 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham

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100% Iberian acorn-fed ham display
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For those with a demanding palate and who prefer a quality product, they must try the 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham from Ibéricos Montesano . It is one of the most sought-after products on the market and is recognised with important awards such as the International Taste Institute Superior Taste Award, for three consecutive years, and the prestigious Crystal Taste Award.
A quality product can be perceived at first glance and culminates with an explosion of sensations in the mouth. Not only a creamy and delicate flavour, but also a smooth texture that will give a feast to the palate.

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If you want to see more Ibéricos Montesano hams , visit the link above.

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Paleta, bet on flavor and intensity

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50% Iberian acorn-fed shoulder
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Shoulders are not left behind either, as they are high quality products at a low cost. Those who do not want to buy a ham, for various reasons, such as its cost or size, always have the option of buying an Iberian shoulder .
In addition, the products you will find at Ibéricos Montesano are always at the forefront of flavour and quality. A shoulder of ham can be the perfect gift for a family dinner, a business celebration or a birthday. With exclusive packaging, you can have a unique present, with a seal of international quality.

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