Learn the meaning of the ties on Iberian ham

Iberian ham is one of the most emblematic gastronomic products of Spain. Its unique flavour and unrivalled texture have made it a delicacy appreciated by the most demanding palates. However, when purchasing it, it is important to know the regulations governing its classification, as not all Iberian hams are the same.

That is to say, not all Iberian hams are 100% Iberian. It is important to look at the ham's bridle before buying it.

In this post, we will explain in detail the different types of ties that exist on the market, as well as the aspects that you should take into account when choosing the perfect ham for you.

Iberian ham bridles:

Black bridle:

  • 100% acorn-fed Iberian ham. The highest quality!
  • Purebred Iberian pigs raised free-range in the pastures.
  • They feed exclusively on acorns and other natural fruits during the montanera.
  • Hams with an intense, complex flavour and a juicy texture.
  • Minimum curing time between 20-24 months.

Red bridle:

  • Iberian acorn-fed, but not pure.
  • Iberian crossbred pigs raised free-range in the pastures.
  • They feed on acorns, natural grasses and herbs during the montanera.
  • Hams with a slightly less intense flavour.
  • Minimum curing time between 14-18 months.

Green bridle:

  • Crossbred pigs, fed on farms with feed and natural outdoor pastures.
  • Within this type, we can find them both 100% Iberian, 75%, or even 50% Iberian.
  • Hams with a milder flavour and less greasy texture.
  • Minimum curing time of 12 months.

White bridle:

  • Iberian fattening pigs.
  • Crossbred pigs that have been fed with feed composed of cereals and legumes on farms, stables or fattening pens.
  • Hams with a simpler flavor and drier texture.
  • Minimum curing time of 10 months.
That is to say, not all Iberian hams are the same. It is important to look at the ties before buying!

At Ibéricos Montesano, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of Iberian hams of the highest quality. All our hams are made with a selection of the best meats and following the strictest traditional production processes.

Visit our store to discover our products and enjoy the authentic flavor of Iberian ham.

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