Black Friday Iberian products


This Black Friday, don't miss out on the best prices on Iberian products . At Ibéricos Montesano, we wanted to share with you some very special offers for these dates. If you want to discover them, keep reading.

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Black Friday 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham

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Only during Black Friday week, enjoy 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham from Ibéricos Montesano (Montesano Extremadura) from €369 for a whole piece of 7.5 to 8 kg. In addition, we have lowered the price of whole pieces of 8-8.5 kg to €399. This is a promotion that will only be valid for the first 100 units sold through the online store, so don't wait too long to get yours!

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100% Iberian ham from Montesano Extremadura

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This ham is a flagship product of the brand . The high quality of the 100% Iberian ham from Ibéricos Montesano has been internationally recognised with the 2021 “Crystal Taste Award” world prize, which is only achieved by those products of superior quality, capable of demonstrating this quality consistently year after year.

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The Crystal Taste Award is an award that only those products that have received the “Superior Taste Award” for 3 years from the International Taste Institute in Brussels achieve.

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If you haven't tried this culinary gem yet, we encourage you to do so. What are you waiting for?!

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We advise you to choose your Iberian

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Remember that if you have any questions during the purchasing process, you have our personalized assistance service at your disposal via WhatsApp. Write to us and we will help you choose the perfect ham for you!

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