How to use ham bones?


Iberian ham is one of Spain's most renowned delicacies. Its unrivalled flavour delights even the most demanding palates from start to finish.

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But what do we do with the bone when the meat is gone? Throwing it away is not an option!

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At Ibéricos Montesano we tell you how to make the most of the ham bone, known for being an excellent flavour enhancer.

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Prepare the ham bone

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Before using it, we must identify that it is in good condition. If it is clean and smells good, the next step is to cut it into several small pieces.

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We know that the ham bone is hard and not easy to cut with any knife. If you don't have a kitchen saw, you can take it to a butcher or delicatessen to have it cut up for you. Having it cut up will make it much easier to handle for cooking.

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You can also save the chopped ham bone for later use. The best way to preserve it is to freeze it wrapped in cling film or vacuum-sealed in a freezer bag, which will keep its exquisite flavour and texture intact, and prevent contamination of odours with other products in the freezer.

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Iberian hams
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Recipes to use the ham bone

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As we mentioned before, the ham bone serves as a flavour enhancer. It is one of the main ingredients in stews, soups and casseroles, as it gives a special character to the broths.

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Stew recipe

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You can use it in the preparation of Cocido , a traditional Spanish stew, in which the vegetables and legumes will be enhanced by the ham flavour that comes from the bone. You simply have to put it in boiling water with the rest of the ingredients and let the magic happen. happen.

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Adding it to chickpea or lentil dishes will give them a special touch. These grains combine perfectly with the exquisite and unique flavour of the ham bone.

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Ingredients (6 people)

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Cover the chickpeas with water in a bowl and leave them to soak overnight. Prepare a pot with plenty of water, add the blood sausage, bacon and the bone of the 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham . Season it and when it starts to boil, remove the foam. Add the chickpeas and let it cook for 30 minutes with the lid on.

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Open the pot and pour some of the broth into another pot. Heat it and add the chorizo ​​and blood sausage. Let it cook for 15 minutes.

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Peel the potatoes and carrots and add them to the pot with the chickpeas. Add the chicken and let it all cook together for 10 more minutes.

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Slice the garlic and fry it in a little oil. Sprinkle with parsley. Ready to serve.

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Ham croquettes recipe

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100% Iberian acorn-fed ham is the key ingredient for making delicious Ham Croquettes .

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Ingredients (6 people)

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  • 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham bone (we make broth to incorporate half a litre into the recipe)
  • 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham 200gr
  • Chives
  • Garlic clove
  • Flour 100gr
  • Butter 100gr (or 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil)
  • Half a liter of milk
  • Parsley
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  • For breading and frying
    • Flour
    • 3 beaten eggs
    • breadcrumbs
    • olive oil
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We start by melting the butter in a pot. Chop the spring onion, the 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham and the garlic and add it for 5 minutes. Add the flour, the milk and the 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham bone broth. Stir constantly for 20 minutes to thicken the bechamel.

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We spread the dough on a plate, cover it and let it cool.

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Once the dough has cooled, we begin to make the croquettes. To fry them, we coat them in flour, egg and breadcrumbs.

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Regardless of the preparation in which you decide to include it, we leave some recommendations that must be considered when using this product:

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  • Be careful when seasoning your dishes . Like ham, the bone is salty, so it will add a special flavor to your dishes without the need to add salt and pepper beforehand. It is advisable to taste it and then make the corresponding adjustments to balance the flavors if necessary.
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  • Skim off the foam . It is common for a white foam to form on the surface of this type of cooking, caused by residues and grease from the ingredients. Remove it with a spatula and you will keep the flavour of your recipe intact.
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There are many ways to use the ham bone. Regardless of which one you choose, they will all maintain the particular aroma and characteristic flavour of the Iberian ham, so you will be guaranteed a five-star dish.

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